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Time Out! Can we talk about this?

Time Out! Can we talk about this? It’s time to find common ground across the chasm that divides the pro-Palestinian students on our university...

The Mission and Vision of People4Peace

People4Peace acts as a voice to educate and enlighten audiences worldwide about the Middle East, particularly regarding Israel’s challenges...

Loay Alshareef Post

Sharing a post (formerly twitter) from X from a credible Arab Muslim voice from the Middle East

Gaza War Facts

Even as the hostages are expected to be released, almost 200 remain in Gaza, being held captive by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. The...

The Man Who Could Unseat Netanyahu

Just over 100 days ago, Benny Gantz was the leader of a small Israeli opposition party. Now, in a shared office inside a nondescript building within...

The Meaning of Gaza’s Tunnels

If Hamas hides the bulk of its fighters and munitions in the tunnels, Israel somehow has to find, search and destroy those tunnels. If Hamas builds...

The Agony and Determination of Sderot

The world must understand that Israel’s fight is existential, that we will not cease until the Hamas threat is eradicated. The collective memory of...