People4Peace Videos Tell the Truth about Hamas

Visit (re-visit) this page to view People4Peace videos including its Eyes on the Lies, Eyes on History, Eyes on the Evidence, Eyes on Evil, Eyes on the Protests, Eyes on Hypocrisy, Eyes on Horror and newest series Eyes on Pride that tell the truth about Hamas.

Time Out! Can we talk about this?

Time Out! Can we talk about this? It’s time to find common ground across the chasm that divides the pro-Palestinian students on our university campuses from so many others there. One of the primary purposes of any university education is to apply critical thinking…

Has critical thinking at universities vanished?

Lost amidst the fog of war is the fact that the conflict began when Hamas violated an existing ceasefire by launching a sneak attack during a Jewish holiday on a predominantly civilian population, including women, elderly men, children, and even family pets.

The Mission and Vision of People4Peace

People4Peace acts as a voice to educate and enlighten audiences worldwide about the Middle East, particularly regarding Israel’s challenges and the threat of Antisemitism to Jews around the globe.

The case against Israel has just collapsed

By rights, this should be the moment that the humanitarian case against Israel’s campaign in Gaza goes into terminal collapse. From now on, there can be no equivocation. Those who persist in opposing the war based on the number of civilian casualties are either ignorant or arguing in bad faith.

Palestinian Columnist: ‘We Do Not Want a Ceasefire, We Want Ongoing War’

A Palestinian columnist writing in Arabic in a Qatai newspaper declared this week: “We do not want a ceasefire, we want ongoing war. Victory is at hand.”

UN Admits Hamas Lied on Casualty Numbers; But the Damage Is Done

The UN through UNRWA has already shown itself to be an accessory to Hamas and a participant in Hamas war crimes — both in Israel and against its own people.

In Letter, 540 Jewish Columbia Students Defend Zionism, Condemn Protests

In the letter, the students argue that “Judaism cannot be separated from Israel.” They also charge that anti-Zionist Jews who deny Israel’s right to exist and stand with pro-Palestinian protesters “tokenize themselves” and try to delegitimize the experiences of Zionist Jews on campus.

In Our Name: A Message from Jewish Students at Columbia University

Over the past six months, many have spoken in our name. Some are well-meaning alumni or non-affiliates who show up to wave the Israeli flag outside Columbia’s gates. Some are politicians looking to use our experiences to foment America’s culture war.

John Hopkins President Daniels is calling for an immediate end to the encampment

Over the past two weeks, at encampments at other institutions, we have seen altercations between protesters and counter-protesters and accusations of hateful slurs that have spiraled out of anyone’s control.

Who is paying for the American campus protests?

There has been an undeniable influx of money from overseas into the most prestigious universities in the United States.

More than 25% of arrested Columbia protesters were not connected to the university, police say

More than a quarter of the people arrested when police cleared pro-Palestinian protesters out of an occupied building at Columbia University on Tuesday night were not affiliated with the school, the NYPD said…An initial analysis by police found that of the 112 people arrested at Hamilton Hall

The head of the Anti-Defamation League on Saturday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to apologize after she accused some Jewish students of being “pro-genocide” in a statement on antisemitism.

The head of the Anti-Defamation League on Saturday called on Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) to apologize after she accused some Jewish students of being “pro-genocide” in a statement on antisemitism.

‘Look At Me!’: Bill Maher Blasts ‘Narcissism’ Of Pro-Palestine Protesters

“If you really cared about apartheid so much, which Israel does not actually practice — Arabs there vote, they serve in Parliament, they sit on the judiciary — wouldn’t you start with this? With the hundreds of millions of women in the world who live under a true apartheid

Former top Hague judge: Media wrong to report court ruled ‘plausible’ claim of Israeli genocide

Media reports that the International Court of Justice ruled that Israel was “plausibly” accused of genocide are inaccurate, Joan Donoghue, a judge and former president of the main United Nations judicial arm in The Hague, said in an interview with the BBC…

Torres, Lawler push for federal antisemitism monitors on college campuses

As encampments of anti-Israel protesters spring up on a growing number of campuses across the country bringing with them instances of antisemitism, Reps. Ritchie Torres (D-NY) and Mike Lawler (R-NY) are threatening to condition federal funding for universities …

Columbia Bars Student Protester Who Said ‘Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live’

Columbia University announced on Friday that it had barred from its campus a leader in the pro-Palestinian student protest encampment who declared on video in January that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.”

An open letter to the Columbia University Gaza war protesters from a pro-Palestinian activist in Israel

And when you chant, “There is only one solution, intifada revolution!” and “From the Sea to the River, Palestine will live forever!” you are not calling, as I and my Palestinian-Israeli friends are, for peace, justice and equality for all humans within those borders.

Why Aren’t Palestinians and Their Allies Condemning Calls to Support Hamas on U.S. Campuses? – Opinion –

“Where are those in the Palestinian, Palestinian-American, and pro-Palestinian community who should be telling those who support Hamas and threaten Jewish students that they are hurting the Palestinian cause? At a minimum, why have you failed to condemn them and their tactics?”

Joint Statement from the Leaders of the United States, Argentina, Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Thailand, and the United Kingdom Calling for the Release of the Hostages Held in Gaza

We call for the immediate release of all hostages held by Hamas in Gaza for over 200 days. They include our own citizens. The fate of the hostages and the civilian population in Gaza, who are protected under international law, is of international concern.

I’m a Columbia Professor. The Protests on My Campus Are Not Justice.

if protesters were instead chanting anti-Black slogans or even something like “D.E.I. has got to die,” to the same “Sound Off” tune that “From the river to the sea” has been adapted to.

Loay Alshareef Post

Sharing a post (formerly twitter) from X from a credible Arab Muslim voice from the Middle East

Fatah: Hamas Kills Aid Workers and Steals Food for Itself

A Fatah TV anchor reported that throughout the war, Hamas has been committing what is essentially a triple crime — it has attacked and killed aid workers in order to control aid distribution, stolen the food and water for itself, and caused food prices to skyrocket.

Antisemitic Hate Incidents in US Soar 140 Percent, ADL Reports in Shocking Audit

Antisemitism in the US surged to catastrophic and unprecedented levels in 2023, rising a harrowing 140 percent, according to the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) annual audit of hate incidents that targeted the Jewish community.

Saudis say Iran instigated Gaza war to sabotage Israel normalization

“Iran is a nation that endorses terrorism, and the world should have curtailed it much earlier,” a member of the royal family told Hebrew media.

Hamas admits one-third of its data on Gazan deaths is ‘incomplete’

The Hamas-run Ministry of Health in Gaza says it has “incomplete data” for one-third of the Palestinian fatalities it claims to have documented from its current war against Israel.

US: Hamas obstacle to hostage deal, despite ‘significant’ Israeli effort

“There was a deal on the table that would achieve much of what Hamas claims it wants to achieve, and they have not taken that deal,” the U.S. State Department said.

Former Cornell Student Pleads Guilty to Posting Online Threats Against Jewish Students on Campus

“This defendant is being held accountable for vile, abhorrent, antisemitic threats of violence levied against members of the Cornell University Jewish community,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.

Terror groups use ‘all hospitals’ in Gaza for operations, PIJ spokesperson admits

Tarek Abu Shaluf said the deadly Al-Ahli Hospital exp“To erase this story, the movement [Islamic Jihad] made some moves, it made up a story that the rocket belonged to the occupation [Israel] and that the target was the [hospital] building”

Hamas-Run Gaza Health Ministry Admits to Flaws in Casualty Data

“It is important to recognize that Hamas is deeply invested in shaping the narrative that emerges from Gaza, particularly regarding the number of casualties in the war. Moreover, this control of data extends beyond the statistics provided by the Hamas-controlled health ministry…

Columbia University Suspends Anti-Zionist Students Who Brought Terrorist to Campus

“I want to state for the record that this event is an abhorrent breach of our values,” Shafik explained in a statement published on the university’s website. “I did not become a university president to punish students. At the same time, actions like this on our campus must have consequences”

‘Raped Daily’: Former Israeli Hostages Recount Sexual Abuse by Hamas Terrorists as Families Plead for Action

The UN concluded in a report released last month that there is “clear and convincing information” that Hamas is perpetrating sexual violence against hostages in Gaza. The same UN report also found that Hamas likely committed widespread acts of gang-rape and torture against women on Oct. 7

Hamas Denies Terrorist Presence at Gaza’s Al-Shifa Hospital in English — but Celebrates It in Arabic

Videos taken by Palestinian terrorists and released in Arabic show themselves in civilian clothing barricading in and around Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City while firing guns and explosives at Israeli soldiers — a different story than the one that Hamas and its allies have told the world in English.

People4Peace Launched after 10/7, Combats Disinformation & Antisemitism

Since 10/7, some of us have seen the shocking video footage of the murders by thousands of Hamas terrorists from Gaza who invaded Israel and brutally killed over 1,200 people. We have seen Hamas bodycam footage of infants killed in their beds, women raped and their bodies desecrated, civilians —

Palestinian officials blame Hamas for war with Israel, call out terror leaders’ lavish lifestyle, ties to Iran

The party of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is now blaming Hamas for the “catastrophe” unfolding in the Gaza Strip in the wake of the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 attack on Israel. The criticism from Fatah, which also includes swipes at Hamas leadership living lavishly …

72 Percent of the Youngest Voters Support Israel

A heavy majority of respondents — 78 percent — agreed that Hamas needed to be removed from governing Gaza. Asked about who should administer the territory after the war, 34 percent answered Israel, while 39 percent expressed support for a new authority created by Arab states.

The unshakable courage of Mandana Dayani, Debra Messing and Noa Tishby

Progress is not taking rights from one group of people to give them to another. The violence and targeting of Jews today is not activism. It is a witch-hunt fueled by bots, propaganda and an alarming mental health crisis around the world.

Vast Majority of American Voters Back Israel in War Again Hamas, New Poll Reveals

Asked whether they back Israel or Hamas more in the current conflict, 82 percent of voters chose Israel. A further 68 percent agreed that Israel was trying to avoid inflicting civilian casualties in Gaza as it seeks to eradicate Hamas from the territory.

Gazans take to streets to protest Hamas leadership, call out Sinwar and Haniyeh

In footage circulated on Palestinian social networks, residents are documented calling out against Hamas’s leader in Gaza, Yahya Sinwar, and against the organization’s political bureau chief, Ismail Haniyeh, who continues to live in luxury in Qatar.

Blinken: ‘Virtually every Arab country’ now wants peace with Israel, but…

“Virtually every Arab country now genuinely wants to integrate Israel into the region to normalize relations…to provide security commitments and assurances so that Israel can feel more safe,” Blinken said during the Munich Security Conference.

Blinken: ‘Virtually every Arab country’ now wants peace with Israel, but…

“Virtually every Arab country now genuinely wants to integrate Israel into the region to normalize relations…to provide security commitments and assurances so that Israel can feel more safe,” Blinken said during the Munich Security Conference.

Why one Israeli security veteran hasn’t given up on a two-state solution

In our conversation, I wanted to know: Given the distrust, the bloodshed, the current mood of Israelis, the far-right policies of their government and the past failures of negotiations toward two states, how does any politician build a coalition and public support for anything less than an iron fist

H.Res.966 – Condemning rape and sexual violence committed by Hamas in its war against Israel.

the House of Representatives condemns all rape and forms of sexual violence as weapons of war, including those acts committed by Hamas terrorists on and since October 7th

Musk’s X sold checkmarks to Hezbollah and other terrorist groups, report says

The Tech Transparency Project (TTP), a nonprofit that is critical of Big Tech companies, said in a report today that “X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, is providing premium, paid services to accounts for two leaders of a US-designated terrorist group…

Hamas Built Tunnels Beneath My Family’s Home in Gaza. Now It Lies in Ruin

And this is the legacy of Hamas. They began destroying my family home in 2013 when they built tunnels beneath it. They continued to threaten our safety for a decade—we always knew we might have to vacate at a moment’s notice. We always feared violence. Gazans deserve a true Palestinian government…

Senator Fetterman: There’s only one clear, right side and that’s with Israel

“For me personally, it’s been just incredibly easy to be on the right side. And I believe the right side is with Israel. Some people call that moral clarity. It is my job as a senator to be on the right side on any issue, and especially after October 7…

IDF reveals: Al Jazeera journalist by day, Hamas commander by night

Documents retrieved from a laptop in northern Gaza showed [Al Azeera journalist] Muhammed Wishah served within Hamas, per the IDF.

Hamas commander tells troops it’s time to surrender to the IDF

A TERRORIST TRIED TO SELL MY SON’S HEAD IN GAZA’ SAYS FATHER OF SLAIN SOLDIER, Shin Bet confirmed they caught Abu al-Baraa an other terrorists who were hiding in a tunnel in Khan Younis behind a reinforced door.

Meet the Indigenous People Who Support Israel

The Indigenous Coalition For Israel (ICFI) is one organization that aims to change the narrative, consisting of individuals from the Americas, Australia, Asia, and Africa. The ICFI has just launched an office that will be housed within the Friends of Zion Museum in Jerusalem.

IDF finds Khan Yunis dungeon where hostages were held

Israel Defense Forces soldiers operating in the heart of Khan Yunis in southern Gaza discovered a large tunnel, one where Hamas had held a around a dozen hostages, the military revealed on Wednesday [February 7, 2024].

More Than a Fifth of Hostages in Gaza Are Dead, Israel Says

As Israel and Hamas inch closer to a deal to free hostages in exchange for Palestinian prisoners and a cease-fire, the military disclosed that at least 30 of the captives still in Gaza have been confirmed dead.

Biden imposes sanctions on violent West Bank settlers in reprimand to Israel

The administration aims to improve relations between Israelis and Palestinians even as it staunchly backs Israel’s retaliation against Hamas in Gaza.

HonestReporting Ends Crowdfunding ​​​​for Oct 7 Infiltrator

When journalists cross the line and become terrorists fighting Israel, there must be zero tolerance…That also applies to Qatar’s state-run TV channel, Al Jazeera.

Hamas command center found under cemetery Israel accused of desecrating

Israeli soldiers discovered an underground tunnel running beneath a cemetery in Khan Yunis, the Israel Defense Forces said on Monday. The tunnel was located directly below the Bani Suheila cemetery by troops from the IDF’s 98th Division.

U.N. to Study Reports of Sexual Violence in Israel During Oct. 7 Attack

A team from the United Nations has arrived in Israel to examine multiple reports of sexual violence during the Hamas-led attack.

‘Down with Hamas,’ chant Gazans evacuating Khan Yunis

The residents of the Gaza Strip rightly prefer their own well-being and the safety of their children to the continued strengthening of Hamas militants and the terrorist activities that harm them and their future.

Gaza War Facts

Even as the hostages are expected to be released, almost 200 remain in Gaza, being held captive by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. The United States and international community must continue to demand the immediate and unconditional release of all the hostages.

Negotiators Close In on Hostage Deal That Would Halt Fighting in Gaza for Weeks

American-led negotiators are edging closer to an agreement in which Israel would suspend its war in Gaza for about two months in exchange for the release of more than 100 hostages still held by Hamas, a deal that could be sealed in the next two weeks and would transform the conflict …

How Leaders and Diplomats Are Trying to End the Gaza War

Top American, Israeli and Arab officials are seeking to forge three parallel but related deals that could end the war in Gaza, finalize its postwar status, and, most ambitiously, set commitments for the creation of a Palestinian state.

U.N. to Investigate Claim That Employees Participated in Oct. 7 Attack

The United Nations on Friday fired 12 of its employees in Gaza and began an investigation into them after accusations by Israel that they had helped plan and had participated in the Oct. 7 terrorist assault that left about 1,200 Israelis dead and more than 240 others captured.

Israel-Hamas War U.N. Court Orders Israel to Prevent Genocide, but Does Not Demand Stop to War

The court ruled that Israel must prevent genocidal acts by its forces. Later, the U.N. agency that aids Palestinians said it was investigating charges that some workers were involved in the Oct. 7 attack on Israel.

Statement from President Joe Biden on International Holocaust Remembrance Day

On October 7 Hamas terrorists unleashed pure, unadulterated evil on the people of Israel, slaughtering approximately 1,200 innocent people and taking hundreds more hostage – including survivors of the Shoah.

White Supremacist Group Member Convicted of Federal Hate Crime for Defacing Michigan Synagogue with Neo-Nazi Symbols

“Today’s swift conviction sends a strong message that hate will not be tolerated in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula,” said U.S. Attorney Mark Totten for the Western District of Michigan. “No one should be the target of hate because of their race, ethnicity, religion or any other status.

We Must Implement the US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism

First and foremost, we can’t be shy about the antisemitism we experience. Whether it’s a potential hate crime, an incident of harassment at an educational institution, or an inciting post on social media, we must report it. Complaints drive data; data drives policy.

The Man Who Could Unseat Netanyahu

Just over 100 days ago, Benny Gantz was the leader of a small Israeli opposition party. Now, in a shared office inside a nondescript building within the Defense Ministry compound in Tel Aviv, Mr. Gantz is helping lead Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza as a member of the war cabinet…

The Meaning of Gaza’s Tunnels

If Hamas hides the bulk of its fighters and munitions in the tunnels, Israel somehow has to find, search and destroy those tunnels. If Hamas builds the entrances to those tunnels inside private homes, schools or hospitals, those places all become military targets.

Jews Are Indigenous to Israel; They Are Not Colonizers

Palestine is the name given Judea by the Romans in 136 CE, as punishment after the failed Bar Kokhba revolt. The Arab conquest of Palestine took place in 637 CE, when Umar Al Khattab captured Jerusalem from the Byzantine Empire.Now, the indigenous homeland of Jews is “occupied” when Jews live there

Jews Aren’t White, and It Shouldn’t Matter

The fact that progressives use the whiteness of some Jews as an argument against Jewish indigeneity in Israel is especially repugnant. The only reason that white Jews exist is because Jews fled persecution in their ancestral homeland and bred with local populations in Europe….

New York City Schools Will Teach About Antisemitism and Islamophobia

New York City will offer new curriculum materials on antisemitism and Islamophobia in its public schools and train principals and teachers on how to have difficult conversations about politically charged issues…

International Prosecutors Gather In Israel to Detail Hamas Crimes

A delegation of prosecutors from countries that had citizens murdered or kidnapped by Hamas on October 7 gathered in Israel on Monday, in what could be a precursor to a criminal case against the Palestinian terror group. The Israeli Justice Ministry announced the trip on Sunday…

Increasing number of Americans believe October 7th was ‘false flag’ operation

In the three months since Hamas invaded Israel’s southern communities in a campaign of rape, torture, and murder that left 1,200 dead and 240 people captured, conspiracy theorists on TikTok, Reddit, Telegram, and 4chan are calling it a “false flag” operation committed by Israel against Israelis

Only One University Adopts Leading Antisemitism Definition 2023, New Report Says

“Only Boston University’s student government has adopted the IHRA working definition in 2023,” CAM said on Monday in a statement. “These figures help put into context the atmosphere on college campuses…

Pressure mounts on Israel over its rejection of two-state solution

“There is no credible comprehensive solution other than an independent Palestinian State living side by side with Israel, in peace and security, with full normalization and substantive development of security and economic cooperation between Israel, Palestine and the region,” it said.

Former Miss World slams women’s groups for Oct. 7 ‘silence’

“Hamas established a new evil strategy: Openly abusing mostly the female hostages, and also men, mutilating them—not in secret and not in the dark. Everything was filmed. Anyone who doesn’t speak up against this is silently complicit in sexual violence against all women, not just Israeli women,”….

In critique of PM, Eisenkot says talk of ‘absolute defeat’ of Hamas is a tall tale

Rather, he said, he was trying “to be strong” in the wake of his son’s death and to “contribute and have an influence” for the good of Israel. He said Gal “was always the most opposed to my entry into politics,” but that, during the war, “I heard him speaking completely differently.”

Hamas Begins Rehabilitating Militant Units in Northern Gaza the Israeli Army Declared Dismantled – Israel News –

Chief of Staff Herzl Halevi warned political leadership behind closed doors that the IDF was facing the “erosion of the achievements it has accomplished so far in the war” because no strategy was put in place for the Gaza Strip after the end of the war.

Evidence points to systematic use of rape and sexual violence by Hamas in 7 October attacks

In the more than three months since the unprecedented attack by the Palestinian group Hamas, the atrocities the militants committed have been well documented. Israel is still grappling with the trauma: entire families burned alive, torture….

Op-ed: Is There a Safe Home for Jews in America?

My father, a child survivor of four concentration camps, came to Colorado because it reminded him of his home in Hungary, but with bigger mountains. He joined the U.S. Army out of a sense of gratitude and loyalty for his new country which he wanted to defend and protect, especially our freedom…

Israel’s New Website Documenting Hamas Atrocities, Reminding World How Gaza War Began Reaches Millions in First Week

The Israeli government’s website — — showing the horrors of the Hamas terror group’s Oct. 7 massacre in southern Israel has received significant online traffic — more than 43 million views – in the week since its launch, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF

Saudis could recognize Israel if Palestinian issue resolved – FM

Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister said on Tuesday the kingdom could recognize Israel if a comprehensive agreement were reached that included statehood for the Palestinians. “We agree that regional peace includes peace for Israel, but that could only happen through peace for the Palestinians…

Israel Unearths More of a Subterranean Fortress Under Gaza

One tunnel in Gaza was wide enough for a top Hamas official to drive a car inside. Another stretched nearly three football fields long and was hidden beneath a hospital.

As intense fighting ends in north Gaza, IDF finds 100 rocket sites

IDF forces located some 100 rocket installations and 60 ready-to-launch rockets in the area of Beit Lahiya in the north, close to the Israeli border.

The Genocide Charge Against Israel Is a Moral Obscenity

But North Korea (3,000,000), Syria (hundreds of thousands and 14 million fled homes) and China (more than a million Uyghurs through gulag-like re-education camp) have never been charged with genocide at the International Court of Justice. Israel has. How curious. And how obscene.

‘Genocide’: The Population of Gaza Tripled Under Israeli ‘Occupation’

the Palestinian population of Gaza went from 410,00 to 1.3 million during the time Israel “occupied” the Strip….the Palestinian population in [the West Bank] increased from 600,000 in 1967 to three million today.

‘Sit this one out,’ Fetterman tells South Africa, of Israel genocide accusation

“Hamas is anathema to peace,” he added. “We’ll never have a stable, two-state solution, we’ll never have any peace for Israel until they are fully eliminated.

The Agony and Determination of Sderot

The world must understand that Israel’s fight is existential, that we will not cease until the Hamas threat is eradicated. The collective memory of Sderot’s people as refugees, the roots they planted and the homes they built are powerful testaments to our existence — we have no place else to go.

NBA star shares message in Hebrew to Israeli actor wounded in Gaza

On Yom HaShoa (Holocaust Remembrance Day) in 2021, Avdija’s shoes carried the message: “Yizkor” (Remember). He has previously drawn Stars of David on his shoes, and the slogan: “Am Yisrael Chai” (the Nation of Israel Lives).

Blinken urges Israel to engage with region on postwar plans that include path to Palestinian state

Israel, [U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken] added “must be a partner of the Palestinian leaders who are willing to lead their people” and live “side by side in peace with Israel

IDF Said to Know Where Hamas Leader Is, Won’t Strike Because He’s Surrounded Himself With Israeli Hostages

Israel is aware of the exact whereabouts of Yahya Sinwar, Hamas’ chief in Gaza, but is refraining from carrying out a military strike because the terror leader has surrounded himself with dozens of hostages as human shields, Israeli media reported on Monday.

U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Skyrocketed 360% in Aftermath of Attack in Israel, according to Latest ADL Data

In the 3 months since the Oct. 7 massacre in Israel, U.S. antisemitic incidents have skyrocketed, reaching 3,283 incidents between Oct. 7 and Jan. 7, a 360% increase compared to the same period last year.

“These acts [by Hamas] constitute gross violations of international law, amounting to war crimes which, given the number of victims and the extensive premeditation and planning of the attacks, may also qualify as crimes against humanity”, the experts said.

Israel Says Its Military Is Starting to Shift to a More Targeted Gaza Campaign

Israeli officials privately say that they hope to complete the transition by the end of January, but that the timeline could change.

The vast underground world of Hezbollah terror tunnels –

According to the Alma Research and Education Center, a vast and enormously complex system of tunnels exists under Lebanon, extending for hundreds of kilometers and potentially into Israeli territory.

IDF finds tunnels, booby-trapped homes hidden among high-rise buildings in central Gaza neighborhood

The IDF says it has completed an operation in a central Gaza neighborhood, where troops located tunnel shafts, booby-trapped homes and weapons.

Divided Hamas coming to realize it won’t remain in Gaza

No Arab country is willing to finance Gaza’s reconstruction if Hamas remains in control.

Hamas Used Gaza Hospital as a Command Center, U.S. Intelligence Says

U.S. spy agencies believe that Hamas and another Palestinian group fighting Israel used Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza to command forces and hold some hostages, according to new American intelligence declassified on Tuesday.

French Students Launch Appeal to Make Oct. 7 ‘World Day Against Antisemitism’

One of France’s leading Jewish intellectuals is promoting a petition initiated by a group of students, several from Muslim backgrounds, calling for Oct. 7 …to be named as the “World Day Against Antisemitism.”

65 million files: The intel exposing Hamas tunnels

Among the documents found was a map of tunnel shafts seized by the 252nd Division in the residence of a company commander in the Beit Hanoun Battalion of Hamas in the northeast of the Gaza Strip.

‘Screams Without Words’: How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

A [New York] Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.









Israel is not committing genocide — but Hamas is

“Israel isn’t trying to wipe the Palestinian people off the map. Israel isn’t trying to wipe Gaza off the map. Israel is trying to defend itself against a genocidal terrorist threat. So, if we’re going to start using that word, fine. Let’s use it appropriately.”