
Free Palestine (From Hamas)

Free Palestine let her people be free; Free from terrorist activity; Eliminate hate from The River To The Sea; We can all live in peace and...

The New Antisemitism

To emphasize the narrative of Jews as oppressors, the new antisemitism must also somehow sidestep not only two millennia of Jewish oppression, but...

Gaza War Facts

Even as the hostages are expected to be released, almost 200 remain in Gaza, being held captive by Hamas and other Palestinian terrorist groups. The...

Why Anti-Zionism Is Antisemitism

The attack is unexpected and brutal, but Reb Zushya endures it in stoic silence, until he eventually collapses unconscious on the floor, and the...

The Day Hamas Came

The massacre at Be’eri was not a single outburst of violence, over in a terrifying instant. It was a prolonged rampage, in which dozens of...

Why I Can’t Stop Writing About Oct. 7

Everything that was true before Oct. 7 became more so after it. Hate crimes against Jews, which had nearly quintupled in the previous 10 years, also...

The morality of IDF maneuvers in Gaza

The Israeli military has taken all reasonable measures to achieve its mission while minimizing harm to the civilian population and maximizing...

What Is Hamas Hiding?

Israeli women still in Hamas custody are young, in their 20s and 30s, and Hamas members have raped and sexually assaulted them…Said a second senior...