People4Peace Videos Tell the Truth about Hamas

Aug 16, 2024 | Media, Read Now, Videos

Visit this page to view People4Peace videos including its Eyes on the Lies, Eyes on History, Eyes on the Evidence, Eyes on the Evil, Eyes on the Protests, Eyes on Hypocrisy, Eyes on Horror, Eyes on Pride, Eyes on the Hostages, Eyes on the Desecration, LGBTQ+ persecution and newest series, Or is it just your hatred of the Jews, that tell the truth about Hamas and its Hezbollah, Houthi and Iran Axis of Terror allies.


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Employing a scientific, evidence-based approach, People4Peace is testing psychologically grounded messaging against the radical disinformation bombarding young, impressionable minds.

Don’t let antisemitism kill more children (v2)
May their memory be for a blessing.

Don’t let antisemitism kill more children (v1)
May their memory be for a blessing.

Children in Gaza
Hamas and Islamic Jihad use summer camps to brainwash children instilling a dangerous message and to weaponize children — to murder Jews!

Neighbors Who Kill
Imagine the terror of living next to neighbors who vow to kill you and your family and your friends?

No Escape for These Civilians
Or is it just your hatred of the Jews?

LBGTQ+ for Palestine
Hamas is Guilty of persecuting members of the LBGTQ+ community.

The Biggest Insult Ever
I want to be gay and be myself in the Middle East, in Yemen.

Queer and Trans Liberation
I was afraid Hamas [would] find out if I were gay.

The Queer fight for Life
I could literally lose my life because of being gay.

Queers for Palestine
If you are Queer it is the Axis of Terror that you should fear.

Eyes on the Desecration – The October 7th Massacre
To all the anti-semites around the globe protesting Israel, here’s how your Hamas heroes started the war.

Eyes on Hezbollah – Iran’s Other Terror Proxy
Hezbollah is another Iran proxy – just like their terrorists-in-arms Hamas.

Eyes on the Hostages – Set Them Free
In Tel Aviv’s Dizengoff Square, Israelis have turned its fountain into a memorial for the Oct 7th hostages.

Eyes on Pride – Open Your Eyes
Open your eyes… Hamas wants you dead!

Eyes on Horror – Call for Violence
What kind of monsters protest in front of a memorial dedicated to the murder of innocent civilians?

Eyes on Hypocrisy – Victims of War
To the pro-Hamas protestors: why aren’t you protesting for the civilian victims in the dozens of war zones around the globe? Is it because you only love certain civilians? Or is it just your hatred of Jews?

Eyes on the Evil – Children of Hate (an update)
Watch Mark Levin’s reaction to history repeating itself as the insidious Hamas summer camp is eerily similar to the Hitler Youth Nazi training camp.

Eyes on the Protests – Brainwashed
Summer Camps usually focus on fun.  Why are protestors supporting a terrorist organization that brainwashes their own children?


Eyes on the Evil – Celebrating Terror
For years, they’ve been celebrating terror. Do they really speak for you?


Eyes on the Evil – Children of Hate
The similarities between the Nazi Youth and Hamas-led military indoctrination of children is chilling and horrifying. Where’s your outrage?


Eyes on the Evidence – Hamas Weaponizes Rape
Hamas terrorists on October 7 carried battle orders to do this.  Hostages still held are still being rapes, including children.


Eyes on History – Pure Evil
Against pure evil, you have to pick a side.


Eyes on History – Never Forget
Those who forget the tragedies of history are doomed to repeat them.


Eyes on the Lies – What is Hamas?
Before you march supporting Modern-Day-Nazis, understand what they say they want — in their charter!


Eyes on the Lies – Who’s Calling for Genocide?
Hamas Charter calls for Genocide.


Eyes on the Lies – Dear Protester – Nova Oct 7
To the campus protesters: know the barbarians you are supporting.


Eyes on the Lies – On Oct 7
Hamas policy is barbarity against civilian women, children, babies and elderly as a weapon.


Eyes on the Lies – The Oct 7 Massacre
Hamas barbarity on October 7th speaks truth against their lies.


Eyes on the Lies – October 7
You raped our sisters, you murdered our children.


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