Free Palestine (From Hamas)

Apr 12, 2024 | History, Media, Videos

Free Palestine let her people be free

Free from terrorist activity

Eliminate hate from The River To The Sea

We can all live in peace and prosperity

Gaza is a hazardous location

But if you think Israel occupation

Is responsible for the situation

You’ve been the victim of disinformation

Israel left back in ‘05

Uprooting thousands of Jewish lives

They drove every Jew from the Gaza Strip

Straight back to Israel on a oneway trip

Disengaging from Gaza with no guarantees

As a peace offering the Israelis handed over the keys

Hoping to appease

The Palestinian national authority

Sadly it was just two years more

Before Gaza erupted into civil war

Between Fatah’s secular government

And Hamas the Islamic resistance movement

The terrorist group that violently squashed

All opposition no matter the cause

Many Palestinian lives were lost

When Gaza fell into the hands of Hamas

The people protested Fatah’s defeat

Hundreds of thousands took to the street

But freedom of speech would not be allowed

Hamas gunmen open fire on the crowd

Dozens of Gazans were injured and killed

And the peaceful future they had hoped to build

Was hijacked by Hamas for 16 years

It has ruled over Gaza through violence and fear

Free Palestine let her people be free

Free from terrorist activity

Eliminate hate from The River To The Sea

Ee can all live in peace and prosperity

Palestinians are in deep despair

But the chairman of Hamas doesn’t care

He control Gaza but he’s not even there

He’s living in Qatar as a billionaire

Just follow the money and it becomes clear

Hundreds of millions of dollars a year

Flow from Iran right into the grip

Of terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip

Hamas is like an Iranian Legion

Their goal is just to destabilize the region

Each and every one of them is guilty of treason

Ever wonder why they want war that’s the reason

Leaders of Hamas have lined their own Pockets

While shooting tens of thousands of rockets

Straight at the world’s only Jewish State

Necessitating Israel retaliate

And even though Israeli air strikes are precise

Palestinian people still pay the price

Because Hamas operates on the battlefield

By wielding civilians just like human Shields

There’s no denying children are dying

But anyone who just blames Israel is lying

Hamas and Iran are trying to create

Global hatred against the Jewish State

They don’t care how many Palestinians die

A higher death toll just supports their lie

So if you’re Pro Palestinian I hope you know

Iran is no friend and Hamas has to go

Free Palestine let her people be free

Free from terrorist activity

Eliminate hate from The River To The Sea

We can all live in peace and prosperity

Free Palestine let her people be free

Free from terrorist activity

Fliminate hate from The River To The Sea

View this Video on YouTube from April 12th