UK doctor who worked at Shifa confirms Gaza hospital used for ‘non-medical purposes’

Nov 21, 2023 | Media, Read Now, Trending

Read this report of first hand knowledge that Hamas terrorists used Shifa hospital as a based form which it planned and carried out its vicious act of terror, slaughter, seizure of innocents and rape.

A British doctor who used to work at Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s largest medical center, under which the IDF says Hamas operates a major command and control base, has confirmed that there were areas of the hospital where he could not go, or else he would be shot.

In a recent interview with the English-language channel of French broadcaster France24, the doctor, who declined to give his name for fear of endangering his colleagues in Gaza, said he had worked at Shifa and other hospitals in Gaza and the West Bank for three months, three years ago.

“When I was first asked to work there [at Shifa], I was told there was a part of the hospital I was not to go near, and if I did, I’d be in danger of being shot,” he was quoted as saying.

[The interview with the doctor continues]

The physician also reported to the journalist that if hospital staff were 10% frightened of possible Israeli airstrikes, they were 90% frightened of being persecuted by Hamas.

Read more in the Times of Israel.
